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40" x 55"

Canvas prints

Bring a wow factor into your home with our 40" x 55" canvases. Here you will find canvases in different styles such as abstract, paintings, graphic designs, and much more. Explore this category of 40" x 55" canvases and find your favorites to decorate your home with.

Canvas wall art 40" x 55"

Canvas wall art sized 40" x 55" – a perfect statement piece! Our largest size for canvas prints is 40" x 55", and with one of our designs in this eye-catching size, your home will get a whole new look.

If you want to create a home with a wow factor, canvas paintings in 40" x 55" are the perfect choice. You will find all our 40" x 55" canvases here, with designs featuring various styles and colous. Whether you like abstract artwork with modern influences, or if you are more into a minimalist style where colour is not the main focus – we assure you that you will find a favorite canvas among these designs.

Have a look through our canvas prints in 40" x 55" and find a favorite design to welcome into your home!